Edward S. Curtis (1868-1952)
View Artist Biography
Plate 240 Kalispel Scene
Portfolio, 18 x 22 inches
Vintage Photogravure
A still and beautiful day on the lake, this picture has a calming effect on the viewer. Three canoes are paddling through the water with the village of Kalispel in the background. The hills behind the village gently fade into the background while in the foreground are a few trees and some grasses.
The Kalispel, who now number about a hundred, are scattered along the eastern side of the Pend d'Oreille river in eastern Washington. In the summer they assemble in their picturesque village, consisting of a few wooden houses and a dozen or more canvas-covered tipis, at the edge of a camas meadow opposite the town of Cusick. - Written by Edward Curtis
The Kalispel, who now number about a hundred, are scattered along the eastern side of the Pend d'Oreille river in eastern Washington. In the summer they assemble in their picturesque village, consisting of a few wooden houses and a dozen or more canvas-covered tipis, at the edge of a camas meadow opposite the town of Cusick. - Written by Edward Curtis