Edward S. Curtis (1868-1952)
View Artist Biography
Plate 132 Passing the Cliff
Portfolio, 22 x 18 inches
Vintage Photogravure
A winter scene on Pryor Creek, Montana
The country which the Apsaroke ranged and claimed as their own
was an extensive one for so small a tribe. In area it may be compared,
east and west, to the distance from Boston to Buffalo, and north to
south, from Montreal to Washington — certainly a vast region to
be dominated by a tribe never numbering more than fi fteen hundred
warriors. The borders of their range were, roughly, a line extending
from the mouth of the Yellowstone southward through the Black
Hills, thence westward to the crest of the Wind River mountains,
northwestward through the Yellowstone Park to the site of Helena,
thence to the junction of the Musselshell and the Missouri, and down
the latter stream to the mouth of the Yellowstone. This region is the
veritable Eden of the Northwest. With beautiful broad valleys and
abundant wooded streams, no part of the country was more favorable
for buffalo, while its wild forested mountains made it almost unequalled
for elk and other highland game.
The country which the Apsaroke ranged and claimed as their own
was an extensive one for so small a tribe. In area it may be compared,
east and west, to the distance from Boston to Buffalo, and north to
south, from Montreal to Washington — certainly a vast region to
be dominated by a tribe never numbering more than fi fteen hundred
warriors. The borders of their range were, roughly, a line extending
from the mouth of the Yellowstone southward through the Black
Hills, thence westward to the crest of the Wind River mountains,
northwestward through the Yellowstone Park to the site of Helena,
thence to the junction of the Musselshell and the Missouri, and down
the latter stream to the mouth of the Yellowstone. This region is the
veritable Eden of the Northwest. With beautiful broad valleys and
abundant wooded streams, no part of the country was more favorable
for buffalo, while its wild forested mountains made it almost unequalled
for elk and other highland game.