Edward S. Curtis (1868-1952)
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Standing Bear - Ogalala
Volume, 12.5 x 9.5 inches
Vintage Photogravure
Men wore hip high leggings, loin cloth and moccasins, all made from tipi-coverings softened by weathering and by long exposure to smoke. Customarily no shirt was worn, when necessary, being covered with a buffalo skin belted at the waist. The war-bonnet of eagle feathers arrayed in a circlet about the heat and extending in a flowing train even to the heels was worn on special occasions by the warriors. Women wore deerskin dresses reaching half-way below the knee, with elbow length sleeves open at the armpits and tied with thongs. Leggings extended from ankle to knee, and moccasins were ornamented with quill work.
Art Institute of Chicago, Ryerson & Burnham Library
Art Institute of Chicago, Ryerson & Burnham Library