Edward S. Curtis (1868-1952)
View Artist Biography
Plate 229 A Flathead Chief
Portfolio, 22 x 18 inches
Vintage Photogravure
An elderly chief with his hair done in many braids stares questioningly in to the camera. The sideways light source shows his deeply wrinkled face and his garment appears to made of hide. He is holding some sort of gun and has a long bone necklace.
Flathead description by Edward Curtis: Through the medium of their annual incursions into the buffalo plains east of the Rocky Mountains, the Flatheads adopted much of the plains culture. Not only their domicile (the tipi), their garments, weapons, and articles of adornment, came from this source, but many of their dances were in imitation of similar ceremonies practiced by the prairie tribes. Prominent features of the accoutrement of this Flathead chief are his war-club of the plains type, and an eagle-bone whistle, such as was used in the Sun Dance. The Flatheads however never acquired the sun rite.
Flathead description by Edward Curtis: Through the medium of their annual incursions into the buffalo plains east of the Rocky Mountains, the Flatheads adopted much of the plains culture. Not only their domicile (the tipi), their garments, weapons, and articles of adornment, came from this source, but many of their dances were in imitation of similar ceremonies practiced by the prairie tribes. Prominent features of the accoutrement of this Flathead chief are his war-club of the plains type, and an eagle-bone whistle, such as was used in the Sun Dance. The Flatheads however never acquired the sun rite.