Edward S. Curtis (1868-1952)
View Artist Biography
Plate 246 Nespilim Girl
Portfolio, 22 x 18 inches
Vintage Photogravure
A very beautiful young Nespilim girl is standing in front of the forest. She is holding a branch with many leaves and looking down as if saddened. She is holding a small beaded bag and wearing a long white deerskin dress. Her hair is in two braids as is common of her people and other tribes East of the Rocky Mountains.
Caption by Edward Curtis: In the early years of the nineteenth century various explorers noted that the bands dwelling along the upper course of the Columbia, among which the Nespilim were included, wore practically no clothing. Excepting as the cold made some protection necessary. The hair of the women was arranged in two knots at the sides of the face? A method of hairdressing still in vogue among the Salish on Fraser River. Prior to the middle of the century the use of deerskin garments had become common, and gradually other customs such as the style of hairdressing here illustrated, were borrowed from the tribes east of the Rocky mountains
Caption by Edward Curtis: In the early years of the nineteenth century various explorers noted that the bands dwelling along the upper course of the Columbia, among which the Nespilim were included, wore practically no clothing. Excepting as the cold made some protection necessary. The hair of the women was arranged in two knots at the sides of the face? A method of hairdressing still in vogue among the Salish on Fraser River. Prior to the middle of the century the use of deerskin garments had become common, and gradually other customs such as the style of hairdressing here illustrated, were borrowed from the tribes east of the Rocky mountains